Bookish Gift Ideas #1

Hello and welcome to my blog! On basically any gift-giving occasion, my partner (Rob) and I end up trying to find bookish things we can get each other. While our usual default is actual books, we sometimes come up with ideas that are more outside of the box. I wanted to share some of these with you in case you’re interested in getting some!

Included below are things that we’ve bought and things that we’ve been interested in buying. Each product will have an affiliate link for you to purchase it on Amazon if you so choose (if I can find one). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This comes at no additional cost to you.

Idea #1: A LEGO Bookstore

I bought this for Rob (aka us) last Christmas and we put it together recently. One of the best things about this is that Lego has a new app that is AMAZING.

On the app you can inform them of how many people are currently building the structure and it will automatically split the steps for you. No more sharing one piece of paper instructions and wondering who should do what!

Idea #2: A DIY mini library

This is another purchase I made for Rob (aka us) I believe two christmases ago. The funny thing about this is that we still haven’t finished it. We’ve done basically 95% of the work and just have to move the furniture around in a way we like it but neither one of us has bothered trying to figure out what looks good.

This product requires a bit more skill than the Lego one above. You will need to work with two different types of glue, some paper pieces, some paint, and some wood pieces. You also end up putting together a little electrical light that goes on the top of the ceiling and can be operated with a switch. Every time we worked on this together, we put on Hamilton. So we watched Hamilton like 10 times while doing this.

Idea #3: A booknook

This is the first (and only) product on this list that I don’t actually own already. I’ve been seeing pictures of these around bookstagram and I’ve wanted one for a really long time. I finally proposed the idea to Rob and he’s also interested!

Basically booknooks are these cute little book-shaped pieces that you put together and they’re made for you to slot them into your bookshelf. It then looks like you have a cute portal into another world!

Idea #4: Bookish earrings

I have this exact pair of earrings but there is a HUGE collection of bookish earrings available on Etsy. I bought the ones pictured here along with single-book earrings that looks like copies of The Hunger Games.

I haven’t actually looked on Amazon to see if they have bookish earrings available since I wanted to support small-business owners when I made this purchase, so this one isn’t an affiliate link.

Idea #5: A bookish puzzle

Once again, Rob and I have this exact puzzle and I think I bought it for last Christmas as well. We recently put it together while listening to an audiobook (maybe The Chestnut Man?)

One of our favorite things to do together is a jigsaw puzzle while listening to an audiobook together so this bookish one was perfect for us. So far we’ve listened to the following audiobooks while puzzling: Holes (maybe; our memories differ on this one), The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, Mister Impossible, The Chestnut Man, Jurassic Park, Shadow and Bone and Beartown.

Idea #6: A book box

Rob has gotten me so many book boxes as gifts (isn’t the THE BEST?).

The typical book box comes with a new release and several book-related items, but there are others out there that don’t follow this model. The boxes that I’m subscribed to are: OwlCrate (recently discontinued), Bubbles & Books (use code Jenny40 for 40% off your first box, Unplugged Book Box (use code JEN5 to save when ordering), Book of the Month, and Illumicrate (though I just recently subscribed and haven’t gotten my first box yet).

Shop around and find whatever fits your preferences and budget! Different boxes are based in different countries so shipping prices can change drastically.

Idea #7: A book cart

A book cart is exactly what it sounds like: a cart for books. Typically you can find these under the description “kitchen cart” as well.

The book cart that Rob and I own is from IKEA, so I’ve just linked a random cart you can buy on Amazon in the caption. Definitely shop around and see which ones work for your aesthetics and budget.

The useful things about book carts is their portability. I put my physical TBR on my cart and it’s nice to just be able to wheel it around between our library (aka our second bedroom that we never put a bed in) and our living room.

I’ll stop there for now so that I have idea for future posts. Hope some of these caught your fancy!

5 thoughts on “Bookish Gift Ideas #1

  1. Gina June 8, 2022 / 5:39 pm

    Oh great ideas, Jenny! I might steal a few of these for upcoming Friday finds. I’ll be sure to use your links if I try any of them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fella Gifter June 28, 2022 / 3:08 am

    Hello! my lovely janne, Thanks for sharing these amazing bookish gift ideas. Your ideas are so unique and wonderful!


  3. GiftAdvicer December 16, 2023 / 1:16 pm

    Fantastic bookish gift ideas! 📚💡 The LEGO Bookstore is such a fun choice perfect for book lovers and those who enjoy a hands-on, interactive experience.

    Liked by 1 person

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