Trope-ical Readathon Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a list of questions that we’ve asked ourselves while making this readathon. If other questions are asked, we’ll add the answers here!

Why did you start this readathon?

The first Trope-ical Readathon was a 24-hour readathon that we decided to do for Rob’s birthday. The name came from a combination of living in Hawaii and a love of puns.

How do I choose my team?

The teams are set up based on what genre you like the most but you can choose however you’d like! You do NOT have to read books that are the same genre as your team. If you’re going back and forth between which team you’d like to join, we recommend looking at the Team Challenges since those are the only team-specific parts. Remember, you can read any team’s Team Book for points, it doesn’t have to be your own.

Does my TBR have to be set before the readathon?

Nope! To enter the TBR giveaway, you just have to show us the books you’re thinking about reading by the deadline. If you add books or change your mind about what you want to read later on, that’s fine with us!

Is there an order we have to read our books in?

Nope! Read in whatever order you want!

Do books that we started before the readathon count?

Any page that you read once the readathon begins can be used towards your page count. In-progress books can be used for a challenge only if at least 50% of it was read during the readathon.

Do graphic novels count?

You can count graphic novels towards your page count but they CANNOT be used for any challenges.

Do audiobooks/ebooks count?

Yes! You can use the page count given on Goodreads to update your progress. For example if the book is 356 pages long and you’re 34 percent through you can calculate 0.34*356~121 to say that you’re at page 121 in the book. You could also wait until you finish the book to add the total page count if you’d prefer to not do the math.

What types of books can count for challenges?

Novellas and up (17,500+ words) can be used for challenges. Some books (such as plays and poetry) are hard to figure out how many words they are. Just use your best judgement (sometimes google searches can help!).

Do I have to update every day or can I update when I finish a book?

It’s up to you! We have it set up for you to update every day since pages count for points regardless of if you’ve finished it or not, but if it’s easier for you to update when you finish a book, you’re welcome to do that as well!

Just remember to only count the pages that you’ve read SINCE the last update otherwise you’ll end up double counting pages.

Can I use one book for multiple challenges?

Sorry, but no. You can’t double up on any challenges. Also remember that Team Books are separate from challenges so they can’t count either. Common challenges only give you 50 extra points so they’re really kind of there for extra fun. You’ll still get a point per page for any book you read, regardless of if it satisfies any challenges.

Can I do both the trope challenge and the alternate challenge?

You can if you feel like it, but you can only get points for completing a challenge once, so doing both prompts won’t get you any extra points.

Can I read a book that doesn’t satisfy any of the challenges?

Definitely! You’ll still get a point per page for that book. You just won’t get any of the extra challenge points.

Can I read a book outside of my team genre?

Of course! We’re not trying to limit anyone’s TBR to one genre. You can read any book that satisfies the prompts for the challenges, regardless of genre!

Are you aware that some of your “tropes” are actually sub-genres?

Yes, lol. It’s hard to come up with new tropes every round, okay? Cut us some slack 😅. Here’s a question to ponder though: what is a sub-genre if not just an overused trope that was eventually leveled up?

I forgot my username. What should I do?

DM us on Twitter or send an email to with what you remember and we’ll help you out!